Winged Freedom Raptor Hospital

Winged Freedom Raptor Hospital strives to rescue, rehabilitate and release wild raptors and to humanely alleviate the suffering of those raptors whose circumstances preclude rehabilitation.

If you find a raptor that you think needs help, you can reach us by phone 715 781-2595.

Please do not pick up a baby raptor until you speak to someone about it so we can help determine if the bird is truly orphaned.

Many baby raptors leave the nest before they can fly and may end up on the ground until feathers completely grow in.

Parents may be out of sight but still caring for the baby.

Found a Raptor?

(Eagles, Hawks, Owls)

(715) 781-2595 or (715) 205-4266

CAll: (715) 781-2595 or (715) 205-4266

Our hospital has been built by donations. Our entire team is volunteer, including our veterinarian.

We accept any raptor in need of care. We treat a wide variety of ailments including fractures, poisonings and car collision trauma. We raise orphans and help them learn hunting and survival skills.

Our goal is always to release birds back to their wild beginnings and we proudly release as many birds as possible. We welcome you to our website where you can see more of what we do.

Visit Amazon and help Winged Freedom Raptor Hospital. Items from our wish list that are put into your cart are delivered to Winged Freedom directly.