Winged Freedom Raptor Hospital Wish List

Thank you for your interest in donating items to Winged Freedom Raptor Hospital. There are items that we use and need all of the time. The specific brand is not important and these items can be purchased and dropped off at our hospital or can be ordered from any online source for delivery directly to us. The address for direct shipment can be obtained by calling 715 781-2595.

Items we always need include:
Paper towels
Laundry soap
Garbage bags 35 gallon and 13 gallon
Scrub sponges
Gently used towels and flat sheets
Fish, whole, frozen individually (no guts or trimmings, no freezer burn)

Amazon Wish List
Amazon Wish List
The following link will take you to the latest version of a list we have carefully assembled on Amazon. These items may not make sense to you, so explanations of their usefulness to us have been provided on the amazon site. You can add these items to your cart, pay for your order, and Amazon will send the items directly to us. We are grateful for all donations, and these are special because we have an intended purpose for them.